One day, my husband explained to me one of the ways in which his perspective has changed over the years. He said that when we were newly married, he used to see older men who seemed overly sensitive to their wives, making concessions for them and indulging them. He said he used to wonder why they were so fluffy and he would think to himself that “Yinka and I are strong partners, we don’t have this kind of sissy relationship” He just couldn’t comprehend why they were so conceding, but after about 10yrs in marriage with me, he knew better! He kind of started behaving like the old men!🤣🤣🤣 It’s been over 17years with him now and I’m most grateful to God for the gift of PJ! 

I’ve been reading the book of Job and I’ve learnt some serious lessons from that book. One of the lessons I learnt is that our knowledge and wisdom is limited. We truly don’t know everything about the subjects we think that we know so well. We just don’t know what we don’t know and we cannot be arrogant in foolishness. 

The book of Job is about a man (Job) who lost everything including his health, even though he was a godly man. A classical example of bad things happening to good people. Job was greatly distraught and wondered why God would allow such calamity to befall him. His close friends stood by him during his ordeal, but they believed that he must have done something wrong for God to allow such calamity to befall him. Why? because they know God to be a just God who protects the godly and brings down the sinners. They wanted Job to repent of his sins so that God could heal him, but Job insisted that he was innocent. Job and his friends disagreed on this matter, and argued over and over throughout the book of Job. 

“Then Bildad the Shuhite replied to Job: “How long will you go on like this? You sound like a blustering wind. Does God twist justice? Does the Almighty twist what is right?” Job 8:1-3 NLT

“Then Job spoke again: “You people really know everything, don’t you? And when you die, wisdom will die with you!” Job 12:1-2 NLT

This banter went on and on over several chapters, but the more I read, the more I saw the limitation of our understanding as humans. Job’s friends kept insisting that he must be guilty because it was the only explanation that made sense to them. They were convinced that Job was missing something, and they were even upset that Job was “deceiving” himself. They were being hard on their friend because they wanted the best for him. It didn’t occur to them that they could be wrong. They judged the situation based on their experience and knowledge of God, but who can know God totally? 

“Who could ever wrap their minds around the riches of God, the depth of his wisdom, and the marvel of his perfect knowledge? Who could ever explain the wonder of his decisions or search out the mysterious way he carries out his plans?” Romans 11:33 TPT

Many times we are like Job’s friends and my husband, we are convinced about our own side of arguments and the thought of another possibility does not even have a place in our heart. Like we know all things? A critical knowledge we must acquire is the understanding that our minds are limited by what we have been exposed to.

If we don’t walk in the consciousness of this knowledge, we expose ourselves to embarrassment and unreasonable loses. We can lose valuable relationships, lose growth opportunities and lose opportunities to be used by God in the life of another person. Imagine if Job’s friends stopped arguing with him and just stayed close to him while praying for him? The journey through Job’s tough times would have been less traumatic, and who knows what else God could have done with that.

“Trust in the Lord completely, and do not rely on your own opinions. With all your heart rely on him to guide you, and he will lead you in every decision you make.” Proverbs 3:5 TPT

Since I learnt this lesson, I have been more conscious of my response to people at work, in my family, and in church. Not just the response I make with words, but the conclusions I draw in my heart about situations and other people. I realize that I must check with the Holy Spirit inside me to learn patience, to be guided by the word of God and to allow God to move through me, not missing anything that God wants to do in the life of others, and not missing a lesson that God wants to teach me in every situation. 

It is really humbling for someone like me who feels that I know a lot about spiritual matters and life in general. My post today is just to remind someone that we are limited human beings and there is something God can teach us even from the most basic situation and others who may appear less knowledgeable. So let’s calm down and allow God to be great through us!

Pray with me: Dear Father, I am grateful for the beautiful mind that you have given me. I am grateful for your word that make my mind wise. I pray today for the patience and calmness to hear you in every conversation and situation. I pray for the guidance of your spirit to be conscious of what you are doing so that I can be used for your glory in Jesus name. Amen. 

Worship with me: And if you ever wondered, what Heaven looks like, It’s looking like me and you. And if you ever questioned, what Heaven sounds like, Just let it fill the room! Thine is the Kingdom. The power, the glory. Forever and ever, He finished my story. We’re singing freedom, our testimony. We’ll be singing forever, amen!

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