Welcome to the second half of 2021! 

How has the first half of the year gone for me? Hmmm…First I’ll like to say that I am grateful to God for how far He has brought me…and I’m not saying that because it is the right thing to say. I am saying thank you because that is exactly how I feel. 

Truthfully, the first half of 2021 was not all I expected it to be. I expected that I would have outgrown some struggles by now. I expected that I would have been disciplined enough to to achieve some planned goals by now. At some point, I think I was just coasting along, not exactly doing anything, just floating along, but I was also constantly reminded that God was with me all the time. I wasn’t doing as well as I wanted to, but I remained adamant that God loves me and would never give up on me. I am grateful to God because He didn’t allow me to loose sight of the fact and the truth that I am valuable to Him and blessed too. 

“Yet I still belong to you; you hold my right hand. You guide me with your counsel, leading me to a glorious destiny. Whom have I in heaven but you? I desire you more than anything on earth.” Psalms 73:23-25 NLT

“But as for me, how good it is to be near God! I have made the Sovereign Lord my shelter, and I will tell everyone about the wonderful things you do.” Psalms 73:28 NLT

Last week, I attended the annual 4-day conference of my church (it’s called the accelerate conference). It is usually a word and prayer conference but it was all about worship this year. When I learnt that the conference this year was going to be a worship conference, something inside me clicked. I was so pumped that I took time off work to attend without distraction. I had so much fun! I haven’t praised God that much in a long time and it was so refreshing. 

Apart from the freshness I felt from worshipping God, the word that the Holy Spirit dropped in my heart was “Grace”. 

Grace is the opposite of struggle. Grace is what you experience when God takes you beyond your natural abilities. Grace is what you have experienced when you know that you cannot take the credit for something you have just achieved. Grace is what you have experienced when you reach the end of a thing and wonder how you made it. Grace is what you have received when you somehow achieve something that you would normally struggle with. Grace is what you get from connecting with God in worship and prayer. 

“So now we draw near freely and boldly to where grace is enthroned, to receive mercy’s kiss and discover the grace we urgently need to strengthen us in our time of weakness.” Hebrews 4:16 TPT

Today’s post is to let you know that there is grace enough for you to navigate the rest of this year. There is grace enough to strengthen you against the struggles that you have become used to. There is grace enough to win this year. There is grace enough to make 2021 a memorable year. 

So let’s give God the praise and the worship for the things He has done that we have taken for granted. Don’t allow the devil to deceive you that nothing is working. What about the things that He has done that we didn’t even ask for? Let’s spend some time in worship, for it is in the place of worship that we find the grace and strength to win! 

Pray with me: Father I thank you for life! I thank you for hope! I thank you for your constant mercies! I thank you for the things you have done that I didn’t even plan or pray for. I thank you for the release of Grace to win in the second half of 2021. Be glorified in my life in Jesus name. Amen! 

Worship with me: You’re too faithful to fail me! You’re too faithful to disappoint me. You’ve proven Yourself in my life, and I’ve come to realize, You’re too faithful to fail me! 

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